Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Bucket List...

We all have bucket lists, right?  Aside from the subtle reminder of our own mortality, I think they're really important.  They guide us and keep us focused on the dreams and goals we have for ourselves. Here are some short-and long-term dreams I have for myself:


  • To finish my education credentials and find gainful employment in my chosen field, high school English/Language Arts
  • To find balance between work and play
  • To maintain writing for fun while I'm busy with school and work
  • To keep building friendships and community
  • To keep teaching Women Studies on the side <3

  • To find my dream job where I can be free to teach the curriculum I'd like to teach.
  • To get an ESOL endorsement to work with English Language Learners
  • To live and work in a community that supports its young people and raises them to be conscious adults (I'd like to be part of that process)
  • To have a cute cottage home in the country, where I can have a garden, some chickens, and room for Lily (our Border Collie/German Shepherd mix, pictured below) to roam
  • To possibly foster parent
  • To possibly write some books, maybe fun short stories or books on education

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it includes a few special bits that rattle around in my head constantly.  Sometimes I wish I could fast-forward to having everything I've listed in the long-term, but that wouldn't be nearly as eventful.  The fun is in the journey, right? ;D

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