Sunday, May 6, 2012

Reflections on the iMovie Commercial Project...

A few weeks ago, we were asked to create a thirty-second commercial (topic of our own choosing) by utilizing our newly-formed skills in iMovie.  I must admit, I was a little nervous about completing what I thought would be an extensive group project in a limited amount of time.  Luckily, I was able to work with an awesome group!  We're all non-traditional students, so we thought it might be fun to do a commercial on all the resources available to graduate students.  We called our commercial "Survival Guide for Non-Traditional Students at Western."

The most difficult part of the project was getting the commercial to be exactly 30 seconds long.  As a result, some of our shots and transititions are a little faster than we would have ideally liked them to be.  All in all, it ended up being really funny and had great, funky music in the background.  AND we all learned how to use iMovie! :D

When I was a high school student, my best friend and I LOVED making movies and short films for class assignments.  Back then, we would make primitive videos, using several takes and fast-forwarding or rewinding the video to the places where we would record -- we didn't have any fancy ways of polishing the final product -- and it usually ended up funny and choppy (it's a delight to look at these old videos now). It's wonderful that there're such easy tools, like iMovie, for students of today to create really nice video projects.  I can definitely see my students using it for class!

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